In order to offer the best protection for the community Fern Creek trains several times a month. Fire training takes place every Monday morning and evening, as well as the following Tuesday and Wednesday. Once a month we participate in a Joint training with the surrounding departments. This joint training allows the individual Jefferson County departments to function better when on an emergency scene together.
Beyond fire training, Fern Creek hosts three days of EMT training per month to keep our medical personnel KBEMS certified.
Fern Creek is also adding technical rescue training into our schedule as our community continues to grow. We currently offer training to the Technician level in: Hazmat, Rope, Trench, and Swift Water Rescue.
Rope Tech Training
Self Rescue Training

Ice Rescue Training
Trench Rescue Training
Ventilation Training
F.L.A.G. Training
(Flammable Liquids and Gases)
Swift Water Training
Car Fire Training